In Earth Logic, Australian author and environmentalist, Dr. Sophie Chao, presents a compelling and urgent argument for rethinking our relationship with the planet. This thought-provoking book calls for a fundamental shift in how we approach consumption, advocating for a...
In the dynamic world of fashion, where trends come and go, a brand that stands out is one that embodies both innovation and authenticity. Michael Reid, the visionary behind the menswear brand Xavier Sadan, is making waves with a...
In a remarkable move to support sustainable development and innovation, Country Road has announced a significant investment in the Twyg Changemaker Award. With a prize fund of R100,000, this partnership aims to recognize and amplify the efforts of individuals...
South Africa, with its rich cultural heritage and diverse natural resources, boasts a vibrant tradition of textile production. Among the most celebrated materials are those derived from local animal fibers, which have been integral to South African craftsmanship for...