In a world increasingly focused on sustainability, Shamyra Moodley is making a significant impact with her innovative approach to fashion. As a designer and...
In an exciting development for the retail industry, Egg has officially launched as a groundbreaking phygital retailer with a mission to elevate local products...
In Earth Logic, Australian author and environmentalist, Dr. Sophie Chao, presents a compelling and urgent argument for rethinking our relationship with the planet. This...
In a remarkable move to support sustainable development and innovation, Country Road has announced a significant investment in the Twyg Changemaker Award. With a...
South Africa, with its rich cultural heritage and diverse natural resources, boasts a vibrant tradition of textile production. Among the most celebrated materials are...
Self-image is the way you see yourself—your physical appearance, your abilities, and how you believe others perceive you. It’s an important aspect of mental...
Bondi Sands, the beloved Australian tanning brand, is stepping into a new era with its latest innovation: Technocolor. Known for delivering natural, sun-kissed glow...